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Table of contents
  1. Konstruct
  2. Overview
    1. Guide
    2. Input Builder
    3. Examples


Konstruct is a scripting language designed for easy to write scripts that come with lots of power. Konstruct takes an input and spits out a parsed object that can be evaluated at any point.

Konstruct is a basic scripting language with variable definition, function definition, expression evaluation, if statements, and other common features.


Konstruct creates a list of nodes (objects that can be evaluated for a KonstructObject) and on evaluate concatenates all of them together. To help understand what is happening throughout the wiki, will be some tree diagrams on the breakdown of nodes. Each line represents a node and the first word after the bracket is the node type.

Input: variable = 'Hello' + (5 + 5 / 3)

- <root scope 0>
| - <assignment variable>
| | - <root scope 0>
| | | - <operator  (<node>) (<node>)>
| | | | - <literal Hello>
| | | | - <root scope 0>
| | | | | - <operator  (<node>) (<node>)>
| | | | | | - <int 5>
| | | | | | - <operator  (<node>) (<node>)>
| | | | | | | - <int 5>
| | | | | | | - <int 3>

<root scope <num> is a node that holds other nodes together. Scope references how deep in nested functions it is.

<literal [string]> is a node that holds raw text.

<variable [name]> is a node that can fetch data off of a key.

<assignment [variable]> is a node that will assign data to a variable.

<function [name](args)> is a node that can evaluate arguments. The number of <root>’s are how many arguments this function has.

It can be complicated to visualize, but the names should be pretty self explanatory.

Input Builder

In certain situations Konstruct can parse scripts within a string. If this method is used, when something is surrounded in [[]]’s it will be evaluated as a Konstruct script. 5 + 5 is [[5 + 5]] -> 5 + 5 is 10.


Input: Integral thing: [[integral = '2*int(sqrt(1-x^2), x, -1, 1)'; calc(integral)]]
Output: Integral thing: 3.1415920928388927

Input: Round: [[round(5 * 4 / 3)]]
Output: Round: 7

Input: I really like the [[get(2, 'first', 'second', 'third')]] option!
Output: I really like the third option!

Input: [[replace('''\[(.+)\]''', 'I can use [regex] now in functions', '$1', 'regex')]]
Output: I can use regex now in functions