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Line Ends and Returns

With Konstruct you can nullify any statement with line ends.

Table of contents
  1. Line Ends and Returns
    1. Line ends
    2. Return Statements

Line ends

Line ends are a great way to do some operation and store it, and then completely discard it. Its action is essentially preventing anything before it from returning anything. If you end your Konstruct command with a line end it will return nothing

Content without a line end works like a return statement. When values are fetched from Konstruct script if no return value is used it will just be the lat statements without ;’s.

Input: 'This is cool'; # This returns just null

Output: null
Input: x = 5; x + 3

Output: 8

Return Statements

Returns are a type of function. To call them just do return() or return(<value>). Regardless of the previous statements return will override all of that and send back that value.

def coolFunction() {
    x = 5 + 5;
    return(x) # Returns only 10;
coolFunction() # Will output 10

Example of two equivalent statements:

'5 + 5'

Is the same as

return('5 + 5')

(If it’s the last statement)