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Using this Library

This library is really easy to set up and integrate with any project! Functions and variables can be easily defined and added. Every method and variable is documented within the code.

Table of contents
  1. Using this Library
    1. Gradle
    2. Quick Start
    3. Input Builder
    4. Creating a Function
    5. Adding Variables
    6. Examples


In build.gradle declare the following repository:

url ''

Then for dependencies add:

implementation 'com.github.DarkKronicle.Konstruct:core:<version>'

// Add this if you want access to the prebuilt functions
implementation 'com.github.DarkKronicle.Konstruct:addons:<version>'

Quick Start

To start declare a node processor for your general node processing. This stores all the variables and functions. It is recommended to not recreate this each time you have to parse, but instead store it.

NodeProcessor processor = new NodeProcessor();

You can then add functions from addons into processor.

processor.addFunction(new CalculatorFunction());
processor.addFunction(new RoundFunction());
processor.addFunction(new GetFunction());

When you are ready to parse text into a Node use a NodeBuilder. It is highly recommended to cache the Node after each parse so that text doesn’t have to be reparsed. You can wrap this in a catch block because if there are formatting exceptions it will throw a NodeException.

Node node = new NodeBuilder(input).build();

Then to parse just use NodeProcessor


Input Builder

To create an input builder (a node type that only evaluates expressions in [[]]) use:

Node noe = new InputNodeBuilder(input).build();

Creating a Function

You can create a function easily by either implementing from NamedFunction or Function. A named function is essentially the same as a normal function, but it allows for a name to be specified to use by default. Function names have to be alphanumeric and it is recommended to use camelCase with a lowercase first letter.

public class LowerFunction implements NamedFunction {
    public Result parse(ParseContext context, List<Node> input) {
        return Result.success(Function.parseArgument(context, input, 0).getContent().getString().toLowerCase());

    public IntRange getArgumentCount() {
        return IntRange.of(1);
    public String getName() {
        return "lower";

Results contain a KonstructObject. The defaults are StringObject, DoubleObject, IntegerObject, ListObject, and NullObject.

Adding Variables

Adding variables is easy with a NodeProcessor. You can either add a KonstructObject or Supplier<KonstructObject>

processor.addVariable("name", Variable.of(new StringObject("DarkKronicle")));


View the examples for more information on how to use.